Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Getting A Divorce? Avoid These Awful Mistakes

Getting A Divorce? Avoid These Awful Mistakes

Are you getting a divorce? Then it's best to learn everything about it as early as you can! Otherwise, you run the risk of making costly mistakes, ruining your life even if the divorce pushes through. Here are 4 mistakes you'll need to avoid when getting a divorce:

Mistake #1 - Letting Your Lawyers Battle It Out

The first thing most divorcing couples do is to turn to their lawyers and let THEM battle it out. Bad move -- it's a bitter, confrontational approach that's bound to only get worse as time goes by. And the sad part is that the innocent ones -- your kids -- get dragged into the mess.Getting A Divorce

What happens when you let your lawyers battle it out for you? It results in a long litigation process that gets more and more expensive as the months roll by. There will be increasing animosity between you and your spouse, and your children will be scarred for life.Getting A Divorce

Now we're not saying lawyers have no place in the process of getting a divorce. You still need your lawyers to make the divorce final with the courts. But while you're still in the process of negotiation, you'll be much better off if you hired a divorce mediator instead. Which leads us to the second mistake:

Mistake #2 - Not Using A Divorce Mediator

Contrary to popular belief, divorce mediators won't try to get you and your spouse back together. Their main goal is actually to make the divorce happen as quickly, easily, cost-effectively, and amicably as possible.Getting A Divorce

You heard that right -- mediators look to create amicable divorces between couples, and have been doing so for many years now. They have successfully helped divorcing couples reach agreements previously impossible with lawyers. Couples who went through mediation have reported happier lives than those who went through expensive court litigation.Getting A Divorce

Using a divorce mediator can cut your combined expenses by up to 90%, and cut the time needed to make the divorce final by more than half. Everybody's happy, everyone moves on more quickly, and everyone will have more disposable income to start their new lives with.

Mistake #3 - Not Doing Your Homework About Divorce

The next mistake is NOT doing your homework! As mentioned before, most people DON'T study about divorce and its intricacies, and instead let their lawyers do the dirty work. As a result they leave themselves open to exploitation and ever-rising costs involved with getting a divorce.Getting A Divorce

It's best to do your homework, and learn as much about divorce as you can -- even BEFORE hiring a divorce mediator. It's important to find experts who know about divorce best and get their advice and suggested strategies.

Which leads us to the fourth mistake:

Mistake #4 - Not Visiting Our Website

We have educated divorcing couples for several years, helping hundreds achieve amicable divorces. We've helped people getting a divorce move on happily and financially-stable, with their children still safely having both parents active in their lives. Want to get started with your homework? Then visit our website now.
Getting A Divorce


  1. The first thing most divorcing couples do is to turn to their lawyers if you need to solve your problem without lawyer then link here גירושין
